@article{2020:kirchmair:shifting_t, title = {Shifting the Focus from an International Towards a more Regional Cultural Heritage Protection in the Middle East and North Africa}, year = {2020}, note = {This article seeks to contribute to shifting the focus from an international, towards a regional cultural heritage protection in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). While especially the destruction of Palmyra has drawn much of worldwide attention, this has wrongly led to an exaggerated impression of a region in need of international interventionism. An example of such an excessive internationalism is the call for international action triggered by the announced status change of the Hagia Sophia. In contrast to a too dominant international focus, this contribution aims to put a spotlight on the regional framework for the protection of cultural heritage in the MENA. By sketching regional cultural heritage protection, this article wants to contribute to laying the ground for future research on the topic, delving more into the normative potential as well as the empirical realities of the day-to-day protection of cultural heritage in the MENA.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {267--285}, author = {Kirchmair, Lando}, volume = {53}, number = {3} }