@article{2018:sindhu:institutio, title = {Institution Matters: A Critical Analysis of the Role of the Supreme Court of India and the Responsibilities of the Chief Justice}, year = {2018}, note = {Today, the Indian Supreme Court serves as a constitutional court, a regular appeals court and as an equal partner in governance of the country. This year, questions over the administration of the Court repeatedly arose in public discourse, particularly with respect to the Chief Justice’s discretionary power in listing cases. This paper closely examines the manner in which the listing practices are employed to fulfil the various roles of the Supreme Court, and argues that the Court would perform better if the responsibility for its administration vested with the institution rather than the Chief Justice alone. We argue that with a heavy backlog, and a high number of cases being filed every year, the only realistic way that a Chief Justice can try to solve the crisis facing the Court is by seeking to hear and dispose of more cases quickly. Through an analysis of the listing practices employed by successive Chief Justices between 2012 and 2017, we show that this emphasis on disposal is problematic because it prioritizes cases that may be grouped together and cases that can be disposed of quickly irrespective of their relative importance in terms of content. Moreover, we show that this approach seems to encourage more litigants to try their luck before the Court, and effectively leaves the Court with relatively less time to hear constitution bench matters and regular matters. We further argue that the current ad-hoc and judge-dependent approach toward administering the Court runs the risk of being abused by wealthy litigants who may not have the most important or urgent cases. Finally, we argue that an institutional approach toward administering the Court would best answer the questions recently raised and the problems identified in this paper, and we outline how an institutional approach should work.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {290--331}, author = {Sindhu, Jahnavi and Narayan, Vikram Aditya}, volume = {51}, number = {3} }