@article{2018:moerloose:sustainabl, title = {Sustainable Development and the Use of Borrowing State Frameworks in the New World Bank Safeguards}, year = {2018}, note = {In 2015, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) jointly committed to support the Sustainable Development Goals. This milestone illustrates the gradual integration of the principle of sustainable development in MDB activities over the last forty years. However, a year later, the World Bank adopted its new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) which provides for, under certain conditions, the use of Borrowing State environmental and social frameworks instead of, or completed with, the World Bank ESF. This paper first analyzes whether a reinforced emphasis on Borrowing States’ ownership in the ESF appears compatible in practice with the implementation of the principle of sustainable development, based on the World Bank’s previous pilot program to use Borrowing State systems. Then, it will concentrate on the role of the Inspection Panel. Indeed, an increased use of Borrowing State frameworks would entail a new practice for the Panel, consisting of looking into Borrowing State policies in order to review their consistency with the World Bank safeguard objectives. In this context, just like judicial and quasi-judicial mechanisms, the Panel may need to develop a standard of review. The paper will argue that striking a balance between ownership and sustainable development will largely depend on the determination of this standard of review, and especially on the Inspection Panel’s degree of deference to Bank staff and Borrowing States’ decisions.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {53--77}, author = {Moerloose, Stéphanie de}, volume = {51}, number = {1} }