@article{2018:kurishima:die_ermg, title = {Die Ermöglichung der Abdankung des japanischen Kaisers – Ein erster Schritt zur Entmythologisierung des Kaisertums?}, year = {2018}, note = {On 16 June 2017 a special bill on the abdication of the Emperor was promulgated in Japan thereby allowing Emperor Akihito, 83 years old at that time, to step down, the first Emperor to do so in the last 200 years. At first sight, this decision appears to be very rational. In the last 29 years, Emperor Akihito has achieved a lot, far more than is necessary as an Emperor of Japan. It is only natural that people would say that it is about time for him to rest well. However, some of the right-wing conservatives in Japan were vehemently opposed to allowing the Emperor to abdicate. Together with other long-discussed problems with the Imperial House of Japan, especially that of allowing a female successor, this has become one of the most controversial issues in Japanese politics during the last few years. In this article, the author explains the political background and legal problems of this controversy. In order to give a clearer picture of the discussion, the history of the Imperial House, as well as its current problems will be mentioned.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {103--114}, author = {Kurishima, Tomoaki}, volume = {51}, number = {1} }