@article{2014:kbler:verfassung, title = {Verfassungsgericht und Oberster Gerichtshof in Indonesien}, year = {2014}, note = {The Indonesian legal system is often described as an ‘unguided chaos’. It is characterised by Indonesia’s cultural diversity and different legal sources and traditions. On the one hand the system is based on indigenous law on the other hand it is strongly influenced by the Dutch colonial time and religious law. The following pages shall give an overview of this cornucopia of different sources. The essay shall reflect the important role of the Indonesian Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court resolving these conflicts of law. The function and the task of both Courts for the Indonesian legal system will be pointed out as well as the differing competences. The history and the different acceptance of the Courts among the population is a further crucial issue of this essay.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {332--344}, author = {Köbler, Sebastian}, volume = {47}, number = {3} }