@article{2014:seppelt:demokratis, title = {Demokratisierung als Schlüssel für den Aufbau von Organisationsmacht: Erfahrungen des ver.di-Bezirks Stuttgart}, year = {2014}, note = {Building on evidence from ver.di activities in Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, the article presents recent developments in the strategic organisation of industrial action based on the mobilisation of employees. The new form of strike activity combines aspects of campaigning and organising with a strong emphasis on employee participation. From the preparations for a strike, to strike demands and through to action-planning and follow-up strikes, the participation of employees plays a crucial role. Its essential element is the strike assembly. The authors regard rank and file participation as central for building trade union power in bargaining conflicts.}, journal = {WSI-Mitteilungen}, pages = {402--405}, author = {Seppelt, Jana}, volume = {67}, number = {5} }