@article{2014:schulten:europisc, title = {Europäische Lohnkoordinierung: solidarisch oder wettbewerbsorientiert?}, year = {2014}, note = {Considering the degree of economic and political integration that has been achieved in Europe, it is no longer a question today of whether a European coordination of wage policy is possible, but what kind of coordination will be established in practice and under what dominant actors and institutions. In principle there are two different approaches: competition-oriented coordination aiming at an improvement of national competitiveness through a reduction of labour costs. However, if all European countries followed such an approach the result would be a deflationary downward wage spiral. In contrast, a solidaristic approach would aim to limit European wage competition and promote a more egalitarian income distribution in order to support a more sustainable economic development.}, journal = {WSI-Mitteilungen}, pages = {314--316}, author = {Schulten, Thorsten}, volume = {67}, number = {4} }