@article{2014:siebenhter:der_betrie, title = {Der Betrieb als Projekthaus – Wie Werkverträge die Arbeitswelt verändern}, year = {2014}, note = {Contracts for work and services are an expression of a society characterised by division of labour and at the same time an integral part of corporate decision making. Based on the results of empirical research into contracts for work and services in Bavaria, it is examined how the strategic application of these contracts has changed. It is shown that contracts for work and services have expanded to all branches and levels of qualification and have involved extensive areas of the value chain. The associated vision is the consistent division of labour processes and the transformation of companies into ‘market places’, which serve to bring together partial trades. In addition, the article examines the motives behind the growth of contracts for work and services and the costs that ensue.}, journal = {WSI-Mitteilungen}, pages = {306--310}, author = {Siebenhüter, Sandra}, volume = {67}, number = {4} }