@article{2020:jutzi:aus_fr_t, title = {Aus für Thüringer Paritätsgesetz. Zum Urteil des Verfassungsgerichtshofs Thüringen vom 15 . Juli 2020 – VerfGH 2/20}, year = {2020}, note = {Thuringia’s electoral law stipulates a parity rule for its next state parliament election . Each political party’s electoral list should alternately be filled by female and male candidates . The Constitutional Court of Thuringia revoked the law . The Court ruled that the parity regulation compromised voters’ and candidates’ constitutional right to freedom and equality of choice as well as political parties’ right to freedom of action and equal opportunities . The ruling is commented approvingly in the result .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {639--649}, author = {Jutzi, Siegfried}, volume = {51}, number = {3} }