@article{2019:hobusch:neutralit, title = {Neutralitätspflicht für (Partei-)Amtsträger? Verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen der Einflussnahme bei Durchführung eines Mitgliedervotums}, year = {2019}, note = {In Germany political parties are bound by the democratic principles as stated in Art. 21 I 3 GG. Democratic principles are minimum requirements for the design of the internal party decision-making process. These minima include, among other things, a right to internal opposition, the freedom and equality of choice as well as a right to inner-party equal opportunities, which the individual can hold against the party. This equal opportunity safeguards the free will-building process inside the party, which must be taken into account in grassroots democratic procedures as well. Equal opportunities and the freedom of choice also lead to a duty of restraint on the part of the executive committee in internal competition for functions and opinions when resorting to party resources. This duty becomes stronger the closer the inner-party election comes. In any case, voting documents and the cover letter must be factually and neutrally designed to prevent undue influence on the members. The electoral documents of the SPD member vote 2018 did not meet these requirements and therefore violated democratic principles.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {99--113}, author = {Hobusch, Alexander}, volume = {50}, number = {1} }