@article{2019:rtters:zum_sozial, title = {Zum Sozialprofil der AfD-Abgeordneten im Bundestag: bedingt parlamentsfähig}, year = {2019}, note = {Just one year after its foundation in 2013, the far right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) succeeded in being represented in every German state parliament as well as in the European Parliament. In 2017, 94 AfD representatives were elected into the Bundestag, gaining roughly a 13 percent share of all MPs. The social profile of AfD MPs, especially their school and tertiary education as well as their professional qualifications do not differ much from those of the representatives of established parties in the Bundestag. But to meet the functional requirements of a working parliament, MPs need not only sufficient intellectual capabilities but also enough experience in political and parliamentary institutions. However, despite the fact that nearly half of its members had been members of other parties before joining the AfD, their representatives continue to lack political and/or parliamentary experience. It is disputable whether this lack can be compensated by a kind of training on the job while being a member of parliament. It might be that the AfD’s indifference towards the political agenda and strategies, their oscillation between parliamentary and “movement” orientation can partially be seen as result of this lack of parliamentary experiences.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {59--80}, author = {Rütters, Peter}, volume = {50}, number = {1} }