@article{2019:melanie:daten_zur_, title = {Daten zur Berufsstruktur des Deutschen Bundestages in der 19. Wahlperiode}, year = {2019}, note = {The 2017 election brought significant changes to the membership of the German Bundestag. The parliament became much larger (709 seats) and the entry of 291 new deputies marked a new turnover record. Also, for the first time since unification, the German Bundestag is a six-party parliament, and the right-wing populist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) entered the assembly for the first time. Following up on previous publications on the Bundestag’s occupational structure this article investigates the impact these changes had using the category scheme established by Adalbert Hess. Newcomers brought in more freelance professionals and business owners. Moreover, the presence of those previously employed by political parties or members of parliament increased, and occupational differences between MPs from east and west Germany persist, even among the younger members.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {42--58}, author = {Melanie and Kintz and Cordes, Malte}, volume = {50}, number = {1} }