@article{2019:wagner:typwechsel, title = {Typwechsel 2017? Vom moderaten zum polarisierten Pluralismus}, year = {2019}, note = {Based on the seven criteria proposed by Giovanni Sartori, this article examines whether the German party system can be assigned to the type of polarized pluralism after the 2017 general election. The results show, first, that the AfD’s electorate holds above-average democratic dysfunctional attitudes allowing a characterization as an anti-system party. Secondly, with the success of the AfD and the Left the government is now facing bilateral opposition. Thirdly, the Federal Republic once again is governed by a center coalition. Fourth, polarization and intensity of party competition have increased. However, fifth, centrifugal competitive tendencies can hardly be confirmed and, six the electoral openness of the voters or the availability of their voices does not speak in favor of an ideological patterning or segmentation of the citizenry. Seventh, the (ongoing) exclusion from alternation in office of the AfD and the Left allows for a politics of outbidding and over-promising on the side of an opposition void of responsibility. Thus, the party system of the Federal Republic of Germany fulfills many criteria of polarized pluralism but has to be characterized as a mixed type. This trend towards a polarized pluralism is mainly driven by developments on the right side of the political spectrum.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {114--129}, author = {Wagner, Aiko}, volume = {50}, number = {1} }