@article{2018:carstensen:interdiszi, title = {Interdisziplinär und praxisrelevant. Die Themen der Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen seit 1969}, year = {2018}, note = {This article is dedicated to capturing the wide array of topics ZParl has been covering since its inception in 1969. ZParl’s mission has always been to serve as a “mirror” for parliamentary research. Four focal points came to the fore of our analysis: (1) Articles on why forms of parliamentary practice immerge (context factors) are followed by contributions on parliamentary functions and structures as well as on members of parliament. (2) Both current and long-running issues such as the analyses of political parties, of state parliament elections as well as of parliament-related court judgments and rulings are covered. (3) Concerning geographical priorities and parliamentary levels, there is a focus on the Bundestag and on German state parliaments. (4) The journal is interdisciplinary and the parliamentary research published here is often linked to studies on elections, political parties, federalism and legal issues. All in all our analysis shows that ZParl has contributed to spreading relevant findings on parliamentary research in all important areas and it also points to areas where further studies are necessary.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {961--979}, author = {Carstensen, Franziska and Kühne, Alexander and Wittig, Marcus}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }