@article{2018:petrik:also_da, title = {„Also da ist im Bundestag vielleicht ein bisschen weniger Demokratie als bei uns in der Klasse.“ Reflexionen einer 9. Gymnasialklasse über ihre Bundestagssimulation im Rahmen einer fiktiven Dorfgründung}, year = {2018}, note = {One central question of civic education is how we can relieve political apathy as sort of de-parliamentarisation from the bottom upÓ. How can we use the increased motivation to participate to foster an appreciative approach to parliamentarism? One answer is the founding-a-village project, where teenagers discover their own political values and those of others by learning how to justify and negotiate them. For a founding-a-village project with ninth-graders we changed the usual final talk show simulation into a simulation of a debate in the Bundestag so that we could concentrate on the polity-level of decision-making. By comparing the decision processes in their village and the German state, the students were motivated to discuss the central democratic concepts of pluralism, legitimacy and efficacy in a controversial way. At the same time, some of the students were put off by the strict rules of parliamentary debates. What didactical conclusions can we draw from this?}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {951--961}, author = {Petrik, Andreas}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }