@article{2018:gabriel:untergrb, title = {Untergräbt die Kritik an Politikern das Vertrauen in die demokratischen Institutionen?}, year = {2018}, note = {A healthy balance between trust and criticism is seen as an ingredient of democratic government. Starting from this normative assumption, the article analyses whether and to what extent the public’s enduring negative view on politicians might weaken trust in political institutions. In examining this relationship, a distinction is made between spill overs on trust in institutions induced by the attitudes towards the politicians as a group on the one hand and two specific German political leaders, Angela Merkel and Sigmar Gabriel, on the other. As the data show, attributing trustworthiness to politicians as a group of leaders and to chancellor Merkel turn out to be the prime antecedents of peoples’ trust in parliament and government.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {909--918}, author = {Gabriel, Oscar W.}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }