@article{2018:niedermayer:die_afd_in, title = {Die AfD in den Parlamenten der Länder, des Bundes und der EU. Bipolarität im Selbstverständnis und im Verhalten}, year = {2018}, note = {The “Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD) is now represented in all 16 German state parliaments, the Bundestag and the European Parliament. In the European Parliament, the ideological and personal conflicts of the federal AfD have led to the split-off of the biggest part of the AfD-group and eventually to the total marginalization of the party’s influence. In many of the state parliaments conflicts between representatives of the national-conservative and the folkish-nationalistic wing exist, which lead to withdrawals, exclusions, changeovers or the break-up of the parliamentary party. The ideological bipolarity has also led to different strategic orientations and is either parliamentary-oriented or movement-oriented. This complicates the reactions of the other parliamentary parties, which include ignorance, exclusion, political contention and even temporal cooperation. These developments can also be found in the federal parliament and there are first indications that the two different strategic orientations and the other parliamentary parties are beginning to change their reactions from initial exclusion strategies and moral indignation to political contention.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {896--908}, author = {Niedermayer, Oskar}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }