@article{2018:lhotta:parlaments, title = {Parlamentssouveränität und Verfassungswandel im Vereinigten Königreich: Von Zombies, Richtern und konstitutionellen Leitideen}, year = {2018}, note = {Britain’s constitution has radically changed. Long standing and firmly established principles of the former “political constitution“ - like parliamentary sovereignty - are being questioned and go so far for them being labelled as “zombies“. The article traces some of the main developments up to the Brexit decision of the UK Supreme Court and shows that the shift towards a “legal constitution” has significantly re-arranged the separation of powers under the British constitution. The legal regimes of European integration and European Human Rights as well as a series of rather incoherent constitutional reforms have produced a constitutional dystopia where the British (senior) judiciary steps in by invoking new constitutional principles or by re-inventing them through a judicially designed “Common Law Constitutionalism”. By asserting its new role in the separation-of-powers-game the judiciary is becoming a more and more powerful actor under Britain’s constitution in flux.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {814--826}, author = {Lhotta, Roland}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }