@article{2018:buchstein:funktionsb, title = {Funktionsbedingungen des Parlamentarismus. Otto Kirchheimers Überlegungen zum Parlamentarismus während seines Pariser und New Yorker Exils (1933 bis 1943)}, year = {2018}, note = {To this day, the young Otto Kirchheimer is regarded as a strong critical voice of the Weimar Republic’s parliamentary system. The article discusses Kirchheimer’s less known writings on parliamentarism during his years of exile in Paris and New York between 1933 and 1945. Kirchheimer on the one hand avows himself as an ardent supporter of modern parliamentarism. He sees it as a means of political integration in the same way his former Berlin mentor Rudolf Smend did. On the other hand, he emphasises the role precarious social, institutional and cultural preconditions have on parliamentary regimes’ effectiveness. Kirchheimer opted for strengthening the role of the public sphere, especially when considering that the importance of the executive branches in modern democracies is continuously growing.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {718--729}, author = {Buchstein, Hubertus}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }