@article{2018:lechner:innerparte, title = {Innerparteiliche Demokratie im paradigmatischen Widerstreit realistischer und normativer Demokratietheorien}, year = {2018}, note = {From a democratic-theoretical perspective, research on direct intra-party democracy has received only little attention . The case of SPD’s decision to once again have its members decide on whether to enter another Grand Coalition after the 2016 federal election is a case in point as it seems that plebiscitary internal party procedures have been established as a viable option in forming a new government . Attempts for an exact democratic-theoretical definition or even the development of a cohesive theory of intra-party democracy have hardly been undertaken so far . Nonetheless, various perceptions regarding the normative evaluation or the concrete design of intra-party democracy can be identified in different democratic-theoretical traditions . Unlike Habermas‘ deliberative theory of democracy, which was also influential in the context of party-research, Fraenkel‘s neo-pluralism proves to be a suitable concept for appropriately conceiving the phenomenon of intra-party democracy and to overcome the deficit character of the antithetical classical paradigms of party research (“realistic” vs . ”normative” tradition) . Based on this, the limits and potentials of direct member participation can be demonstrated .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {658--677}, author = {Lechner, Julian}, volume = {49}, number = {3} }