@article{2018:kwaschnik:die_landes, title = {Die Landesgruppen von SPD und CDU im Bundestag. Zum Stellenwert im innerfraktionellen Aushandlungs- und Entscheidungsprozess}, year = {2018}, note = {Landesgruppen are groups consisting of MPs from the same German state in a parliamentary party . Their meetings, committee and parliamentary group meetings are firmly anchored in the work routine of the Bundestag . Political science literature, however, has neglected the Landesgruppen almost entirely . Do the Landesgruppen influence negotiations and decision-making processes in their parliamentary party? In order to close this research and knowledge gap an explorative study with interviews of the chairpersons of eleven Landesgruppen was conducted . In this study, the Landesgruppen presented themselves as transmission belts, providing a permanent exchange between leadership and members in their respective parliamentary party . Furthermore, they boost decision and negotiation processes, especially in the arenas of staff and issue policies .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {498--511}, author = {Kwaschnik, Gerrit}, volume = {49}, number = {3} }