@article{2017:schmedes:regieren_i, title = {Regieren im semi-souveränen Parteienbundesstaat . Die administrativen und politischen Koordinierungsstrukturen in der Praxis des deutschen Föderalismus}, year = {2017}, note = {In Germany, the legislative process is characterized by a balance of interests between the federation and the Länder as well as between the - potentially incongruent - political majorities at both state levels . It is in particular the Bundesrat that embodies the opposed relationship between parliamentary competition and federal negotiation . At the same time, the Bundesrat constitutes a key component of the mutual entanglement and balance of state power . Federal co-operation between the federation and the Länder interferes with both the structures and the principles of party competition . As a result of Germany’s highly integrated and centralized party system as well as of the party composition of the Bundesrat, there are many interdependencies between the behaviour of the Länder governments in the Bundesrat and the party competition at the federal and the Länder level . The opposed relationship between the logic of federal negotiation and the logic of party competition is clearly reflected in the Bundesrat’s decision-making processes, which are characterized by the interlocking of formal administrative and informal political co-ordination structures . To a considerable extent, the German party system is attributed influence in developing consensus-democratic practices, especially in times of divergent political majorities between the Bundestag and the Bundesrat .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {899--921}, author = {Schmedes, Hans-Jörg}, volume = {48}, number = {4} }