@article{2017:oswald:die_tea_pa, title = {Die Tea Party: Wie die Republikanische Partei und der Konservati- vismus über eine strategische Protestbewegung verändert wurden}, year = {2017}, note = {In 2017, the Tea Party reached its goals when its ideology changed both American conservatism and the Republican Party . It also changed politics in Congress and in Donald Trump they found a president who implemented their deregulation goals . However, the Tea Party is anything but an organic civic movement - it seems to have been strategically developed by Action Groups, which implemented an ideology top down . In the end, the protest movement led to industrial magnates exerting an influence on politics like most lobbyists would never have dared to dream of . An ideological-strategic blueprint integrated the three largest sub-segments of the Republican clientele into one voice and generated anti-establishment resentments from all over the country . This voice has had an enormous impact on Washington D .C . and the Tea Party has continuously opposed all established policies and compromises . The result is today’s rigid and extreme conservative stance and deregulation .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {882--898}, author = {Oswald, Michael}, volume = {48}, number = {4} }