@article{2017:kitzing:landesparl, title = {Landesparlamentarismus nach 1945 als Gegenstand der historischen Forschung: Fragestellungen – Perspektiven – Quellen für die südwestdeutschen Landtage}, year = {2017}, note = {When researching the history of constitutions since 1945, topics chosen have often been the executive branch or the national parliament (Bundestag) while at the same time the history and the development of the state parliaments have been seriously neglected . Taking the southwest German parliaments from 1946 till 1952 and the parliaments of the state of Baden-Württemberg as of 1952 as examples, important research questions are discussed leading to a future, more intensive examination of the work and also of the self-concept of state parliaments . An analytical framework is developed that first asks about the main ideas, the self-concept and the legal basis (including their origins) of the parliaments and then, in a second step, how the parliaments in their constitutional reality were able to do justice to their assigned tasks . In a third step the main focus is on exploring aspects of the social and cultural history of the parliaments through selected biographies of their members . Previously unknown or not sufficiently regarded sources of information are also highlighted .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {657--675}, author = {Kitzing, Michael}, volume = {48}, number = {3} }