@article{2017:vogeler:parteiendi, title = {Parteiendifferenz in der deutschen Tierschutzpolitik – Gestaltungsspielraum der Länder in neuen Politikfeldern?}, year = {2017}, note = {In what ways do political parties shape policymaking in the German single states? This question is analyzed by the interrelation of government coalitions and policy formulation in the field of animal welfare policy . The study reveals that major differences exist between the political parties concerning the priority of animal welfare as well as its details and that different political coalitions in the federal governments are an important explanatory variable for divergent animal welfare policy . Changes towards the improvement of this policy - especially for farm animals - are predominantly driven by state governments in which the Green party is a partner in the government coalition . By systematically including animal welfare policies into policy analysis for the first time in Germany the study creates the foundations for future research perspectives within this disregarded policy field .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {634--656}, author = {Vogeler, Colette S.}, volume = {48}, number = {3} }