@article{2017:knelangen:die_schles, title = {Die schleswig-holsteinische Landtagswahl vom 7 . Mai 2017: Niederlage der „Küstenkoalition“ und erstmals „Jamaika“ im Norden}, year = {2017}, note = {Apart from some turbulence in the middle of the legislative period, the “Coastal Coalition”, including the SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and the SSW, was able to follow a stable and smooth course . Results in many previous elections in Schleswig-Holstein were narrow so that the parties had to expect that even minor changes in public opinion would be crucial . Nevertheless, the “Coastal Coalition” began the election campaign as the favorite since the opinion polls did not signal a change of mood but rather comparatively high satisfaction with governmental policy . Nevertheless, the CDU asserted itself not only as the strongest party in the state but also increased its share of the vote to 32 percent . In contrast, the SPD lost significantly . Bündnis 90/Die Grünen came close to confirming their share of the vote, while the FDP achieved the highest gains . The SSW, the party of the Danish minority, lost votes, whereas the AfD, a new right-wing populist party, entered the state parliament for the first time . The course was already set during the evening of the elections in the direction of a coalition between the CDU, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and the FDP - their party colors are: black, green and yellow, hence “Jamaica” . Daniel Günther was elected as the new minister-president of Schleswig-Holstein at the end of June 2017 . As a result, the state is ruled by a governmental majority that transcends traditional party lines .}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {575--593}, author = {Knelangen, Wilhelm}, volume = {48}, number = {3} }