@article{2017:rosenfelder:die_progra, title = {Die Programmatik der AfD: Inwiefern hat sie sich von einer primär euroskeptischen zu einer rechtspopulistischen Partei entwickelt?}, year = {2017}, note = {The political party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is not only a Euro-sceptic party but also a right-wing populist party. This classification is widely agreed upon in the journalistic debate whereas the academic literature comments cautiously on the positions of the new party. This article focuses on the AfD‘s platform in respect to issues relating to Euro-scepticism and right-wing populism. A qualitative content analysis based on the first complete party program passed in May 2016 will show two important changes. First, when comparing the 2016 manifesto to that of 2014 it becomes evident that the AfD‘s Euro-sceptic attitude has grown significantly, therefore leading to the conclusion that it can be classified as a hard Euro-sceptic party. Second, when analysing the new manifesto a number of rightwing populist elements become apparent, i.e. criticising the political elites, their recourse to the people and an anti-pluralistic attitude. However, the AfD does not belong to the populist radical right European party family since its manifesto lacks the criteria of authoritarianism.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {123--140}, author = {Rosenfelder, Joel}, volume = {48}, number = {1} }