@article{2016:johann:mehr_wettb, title = {Mehr Wettbewerb bei Österreichs Wahlen? Die neue Partei NEOS und ihre engsten Konkurrenten}, year = {2016}, note = {The electoral success of the new party „NEOS - Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Fo- rum“ has consequences for the Austrian party system . Drawing on data from the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) that cover the political supply side (parties and their candidates) and demand side (voters) of the political system, one can show that some NEOS issue positions overlap with the positions of the ÖVP and the Greens . Overall, how- ever, NEOS can be classified as a liberal center party, situated between the Greens to their left and the ÖVP to their right, and that represents a modern, urban middle class in Aus- tria . [ZParl, vol . 47 (2016), no . 4, pp . 814 - 830]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {814--830}, author = {Johann, David and Jenny, Marcelo and Kritzinger, Sylvia}, volume = {47}, number = {4} }