@article{2016:pfeiffe:die_spanis, title = {Die spanischen nationalen Wahlen vom 26. Juni 2016: ein zweiter Anlauf zur Regierungsbildung im neuen Vierparteiensystem}, year = {2016}, note = {The general elections on June 26, 2016 were the second elections within seven months . Already on December 20, 2015, the Spanish citizens were asked to elect a new government . The elections in December can be seen as a political watershed, which indicated the end of the two-party-system (PP and PSOE), which had characterized the Spanish democracy ever since the democratic transition in 1982 . The then old system was replaced by a four-party- system comprising the PP, PSOE, Podemos and Ciudadanos . Subsequently, Spain experi- enced a political blockade that led to new elections on June 26, 2016 which were clearly won by the conservative PP . But once again the formation of government seemed as diffi- cult as before . Due to the high polarization, caused by all parties’ lack of willingness to compromise and to enter into dialogue, and the territorial problem caused by the separatist movement in Catalonia, it needed the social democrats of the PSOE, who are going through the deepest crisis of their existence in democratic Spain, to unblock the political situation . Mariano Rajoy (PP) was elected on October 29, 2016 as the new and old prime minister of Spain and is the head of a minority government . He faces big political and eco- nomic challenges, which can only be solved by a new dialogue-based political culture . [ZParl, vol . 47 (2016), no . 4, pp . 783 - 799]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {783--799}, author = {Pfeiffe, Christian}, volume = {47}, number = {4} }