@article{2016:jnicke:mehr_unabh, title = {Mehr Unabhängigkeit und Professionalität von Abgeordneten durch Wissenschaftliche Dienste – Perspektiven für ein Landesparlament wie die Hamburgische Bürgerschaft}, year = {2016}, note = {The article is concerned with learning how the research services of German parliaments support members of parliaments in carrying out their duties in an independent and professional manner. Starting point of the analysis is the statement that the Hamburgische Bürgerschaft - different from most parliaments of the other German Länder and the German Bundestag - does not have such a research service. On the occasion of a debate that was held in the Hamburg state parliament on the development of the construction of Hamburg’s concert hall ”Elbphilharmonie“ and on the establishment of a sub-committee on parliamentary reforms, questions arise how research services operate and which fundamental decisions have to be taken when implementing such a service, in respect of its tasks, working methods, organisational structure and a possible interconnection with the work of parliamentary committees. Based hereupon, as a perspective of the realisation for a state parliament such as the Hamburgische Bürgerschaft, some practical suggestions are made, especially a financing proposal for Hamburg where a reform of its law on parliamentary investigation committees could help.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {618--635}, author = {Jänicke, Steffen P.J.}, volume = {47}, number = {3} }