@article{2016:bornemann:anstig, title = {Anstößiges Anstoßen? – Kritische Beobachtungen zur „Nudging“-Diskussion im deutschen Kontext}, year = {2016}, note = {Nudging refers to a much-debated political steering approach that relies on gentle interventions in decision architectures of individuals with the aim to shape their behaviour in a direction that is beneficial for them and/or for the society as a whole. For some, nudges have the potential to address grand societal challenges in an efficient and effective manner; others regard nudges as inappropriate means of political steering that open the door for manipulating citizens. But the existing criticism is characterized by dramatization, lack of differentiation, normative exaltation, problematic demarcations and comparisons as well as numerous omissions. However, a more differentiated, contextualized and politicized discussion would open the view for the specific potential of democratically legitimized pro-social nudges to contribute to tackling grand societal challenges.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {437--459}, author = {Bornemann, Basil and Smeddinck, Ulrich}, volume = {47}, number = {2} }