@article{2016:ritzi:symbolisch, title = {Symbolisch oder echt? Die politische Beteiligung junger Erwachsener in Deutsch- land online und offli}, year = {2016}, note = {Although electoral participation has decreased especially in the group of young adults in recent years, online participation may lead to more political engagement of young people. By asking for their activities in conventional and unconventional forms of political participation and the reasons for their engagement, their online participation can be identified as primarily either a diversion, symbolic behaviour or ‘genuine’ participation. Furthermore, influence is a major motivation to participate online. Internet participation options are highly frequented, mostly by people who also participate conventionally. In addition, mainly “young critical citizens” can be encouraged to participate via the Internet.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {304--326}, author = {Ritzi, Claudia and Wagner, Aiko}, volume = {47}, number = {2} }