@article{2016:brocker:plenarff, title = {Plenaröffentlichkeit und nichtöffentliche Ausschussberatung: Das arbeitsteilige Konzept des Art. 42 Abs. 1 Satz 1 GG}, year = {2016}, note = {Publicity of parliamentary sessions is a basic principle of parliamentary democracy and enables the People to “control” parliament . However, a dictate of general transparency of par- liamentary work does not follow from this . The principle of publicity is restricted to the sessions of the floor of the House and cannot be extended to the sessions of the commit- tees . Also parliamentary work does need an area of retreat . Closed sessions can assure effi- ciency and therefore the functioning of parliamentary work . Concerning the work of the German Bundestag this is appropriately postulated . This work sharing concept is laid out in article 42 (1) 1 Basic Law . [ZParl, vol . 47 (2016), no . 1, pp . 50 - 57]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {50--57}, author = {Brocker, Lars}, volume = {47}, number = {1} }