@article{2015:hoffmann:wahlumfrag, title = {Wahlumfragen und der Willensbildungsprozess der Wähler im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl 2013}, year = {2015}, note = {In order to establish whether published polls influenced the voters’ decision-making processes in the run up to the German parliamentary election 2013 the cognitive effects on the development of voters’ expectations regarding election results and the impact of polls onthe formation of voting intentions are analyzed. Furthermore, strategic voting is examined,particularly the intentions of voting for the FDP due to their low poll numbers. The resultsreveal cognitive effects on the expectations regarding government formation as well as onthe likelihood of small parties passing the election threshold. Missing variations in poll ratingsaccount for these inconclusive findings. The same holds true for providing empiricalevidence for the impact of polls on the formation of voting intentions. However, it can beassumed that the stable high approval ratings of the CDU/CSU led voters to lean towardsthis majority opinion which in turn increased the support for the Christian Democratsshortly before election day. [ZParl, vol. 46 (2015), no. 4, pp. 708 – 729]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {708--729}, author = {Hoffmann, Hanna}, volume = {46}, number = {4} }