@article{2015:patrick:die_hambur, title = {Die Hamburger Bürgerschaftswahl vom 15. Februar 2015: Rot-Grün für Olympia und für die Referendumsfestigkeit der hanseatischen Feierabenddemokratie}, year = {2015}, note = {After having governed successfully for four years and being led by widely respected Mayor Olaf Scholz, the SPD was the clear favorite when going into the election of the Hamburg state parliament on February 15, 2015. There was no doubt that the Social Democrats would continue to be the governing party. The only question was whether they would need a coalition partner. In the end, the SPD narrowly fell short of the absolute majority and formed a coalition with the Greens, whose aim in the election campaign was to become a partner in an SPD-led government. The new red-green coalition pledged to steer the course of the SPD’s most important and successful governing projects. It also promised to foster a pragmatic, down-to-earth governing style like the previous government. To the Socialdemocratic theme of “good governance”, the Greens added their desire for a better citizen participation. Hamburg’s application for the Olympic Games 2024 will be decided in a legislative referendum. This new procedure of direct democracy was introduced into the Hamburg state constitution by the new coalition with the approval of the opposing Christian Democrats. Overall, the legislative referendum is intended to strengthen the Hanseatic “afterwork democracy” (“Feierabenddemokratie”) with its expanded rights of citizen participation in procedures of direct democracy. [ZParl, vol. 46 (2015), no. 3, pp. 518 – 538]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {518--538}, author = {Patrick and Horst}, volume = {46}, number = {3} }