@article{2015:jesse:die_schs, title = {Die sächsische Landtagswahl vom 31. August 2014: Zäsur für das Parteiensystem nach der zweiten nicht großen „Großen Koalition“?}, year = {2015}, note = {The outcome of the sixth election to the Saxonian Landtag led, like in 2004, to a coalition of strong Christian Democrats with weak Social Democrats and with Stanislaw Tillich as Prime Minister of Saxony, making him the longest-serving Premier of a federal state in Germany . An arithmetically feasible black-green coalition failed because of the Greens . The electorate showed a lack of interest in a change, however, the CDU, the larger coalition party, was seen more favourably than the liberal party (FDP), the smaller coalition party . During the campaign all parties focused heavily on issues related to the state of Saxony . While the Alternative for Germany (AfD) campaigned for the first time and was elected straight into Parliament, neither the FDP nor the NPD, after having been part of the state parliament for more than a decade, won enough votes to continue their parliamentary work . It is therefore possible that this election on the Land level might prove to be a deci- sive caesura . [ZParl, vol . 46, no . 1, pp . 3 - 20]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {3--20}, author = {Jesse, Eckhard}, volume = {46}, number = {1} }