@article{2015:ley:die_wahl_v, title = {Die Wahl von Ministerpräsidenten ohne Landtagsmandat. Fallbeispiele und Überlegungen zur geplanten Verfassungsänderung in NRW}, year = {2015}, note = {Although it has apparently not led to any problems in North Rhine-Westphalia that prime ministerial candidates must be elected members of parliament its state parliament has been discussing the possibility of deleting that constitutional provision . This is plausible since future problematic situations need to be considered by constitutional law . Documented cases of other German states prove that it might be in the North Rhine-Westphalian parlia- ment‘s interest to delete the present restriction, thereby enlarging the circle of possible prime ministerial candidates . This consideration becomes even more obvious if it is kept in mind that a constitution should allow for a maximum of political scope to ensure the po- litical flexibility needed . This is especially true if such restrictions do not represent funda- mental constitutional rationales such as the constitutional state and / or democracy . [ZParl, vol . 46, no . 1, pp . 100 - 116]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {100--116}, author = {Ley, Richard}, volume = {46}, number = {1} }