@article{2014:dhungel:interessen, title = {Interessenvermittlung in den Ausschüssen des Deutschen Bundestages}, year = {2014}, note = {Many studies have analyzed lobbying systems as a whole, but so far only very few have examined the role of interest groups in the German Bundestag’s committees: which lobbying structures can be found in these committees, how important are interest groups compared to other experts and how pluralistically do the committees organize interest groups’ access? To answer these ques- tions the agendas and reports of the 17th legislature’s committees are examined. Our results in- clude that (1) interest groups are an important group among the invited experts, (2) instead of finding a concentration on few interest groups there is a fragmentation of many, and (3) much variation between the policy fields can be observed. [ZParl, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 743 - 762]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {743--762}, author = {Dhungel, Anna-Katharina and Linhart, Eric}, volume = {45}, number = {4} }