@article{2019:koy:gestion_de, title = {Gestion de la Réserve de Biosphère de Yangambi en République Démocratique du Congo à l’épreuve des dynamiques d’installation des villages et campements (1939–2015)}, year = {2019}, note = {This study analyzes the factors of installation of villages and encampments around the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve (DRC) and the impact of this issue on its management. Among the factors that determine this phenomenon, the study revealed those of a political, economic, social, and religious nature. Logical consequences are a reduced distance between the reserve and the villages, demographic pressure, exploitation of natural resources by migrants, and questioning of any initiative to return migrants to their sites of origin. The integration of this phenomenon into public policies could contribute to the protection of this reserve.}, journal = {Anthropos}, pages = {399--416}, author = {Koy, Justin Kyale and Ngonga, Alphonse Maindo Monga and Wardell, David Andrew}, volume = {114}, number = {2} }