@article{2019:kneitz:the_lords_, title = {The Lords of Muskets}, year = {2019}, note = {When firearms first arrived on the island of Madagascar at the beginning of the 16th century, they soon became a very much sought-after commodity for the local population. This contribution traces for the first time the history of firearm technology on Madagascar during precolonial times, until the French colonization in 1896, in a systematic perspective. A case study on the use of firearms around 1710 shows that firearms became integrated into an already long-established logic of intensive war. On the political level, the firearms gave rise to a new form of chieftaincy that has endured for more than three centuries: the “lords of muskets.”}, journal = {Anthropos}, pages = {119--144}, author = {Kneitz, Peter}, volume = {114}, number = {1} }