@article{2019:kleden:the_truth_, title = {The Truth in Relation}, year = {2019}, note = {The article deals with the understanding and practices of the truth of the Lamaholot-speaking people in East-Flores, Indonesia. This traditional group of people does not have a theoretical understanding of truth. Analyzing sayings, social structure, and rituals of these people the author demonstrates that the truth as understood and practiced by the Lamaholot-speaking people is contextual. Truth is not absolute, neither relativistic. It depends on the context. Every person is expected to know what is right for him/her in a given situation and to act accordingly. Cultural sensitivity is a necessary condition to accept people’s understanding and practice of truth.}, journal = {Anthropos}, pages = {107--118}, author = {Kleden, Paulus Budi}, volume = {114}, number = {1} }