@article{2015:bller:partners_i, title = {Partners in Leadership? Die Krise(n) der deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen aus rollentheoretischer Perspektive}, year = {2015}, note = {By applying role theory to grasp intra-role conflicts and shifting ego/alter interactions between states, US-German Relations can be adequately understood. Conflicts between the partners may arise when the ego-part of a role shifts due to national role contestations. The adapted role may lead to new expectations towards the partner, thereby triggering an intra-role conflict if ego- and alter-norms collide. While US-German relations remained largely stable during the Cold War, as ego/alter interactions were complementary, intra-role conflicts emerged from 1991 onwards. The argument is unfolded regarding Germany’s out-of-area debate (1993-1999), US unilateral turn after 9/11 (2002-2008), and the new burden-sharing struggle (since 2008).}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {32--37}, author = {Böller, Florian}, volume = {33}, number = {1} }