@article{2014:hafez:radikale_p, title = {Radikale Polarisierung im Arabischen Frühling: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Medienfreiheit in Ägypten}, year = {2014}, note = {The article seeks to analyze both the achievements and failures of the Egyptian public sphere based on the theory of comparative media systems and transformation theory. The fact that new military rulers introduced harsh censorship proves that media are vulnerable to political manipulation. However, the reasons for the regression of the Egyptian media system are manifold. Media capital, largely concentrated in the hands of old elites, exerted pressure against the democratic transformation. During the Arab spring transition, radically polarized media and publics abandoned the basis of the democratic consensus and pluralist public spheres. The journalistic profession, as well as audiences can be considered co-responsible for the neo-authoritarian downswing of the public sphere that followed the military coup.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {254--259}, author = {Hafez, Kai}, volume = {32}, number = {4} }