@article{2014:sokhibov:economic_a, title = {Economic and Political Restraints for Reducing the Drug Economy in Afghanistan}, year = {2014}, note = {The stability of present-day Afghanistan is challenged by the pullout of international troops as well as the uncertainty of foreign aid receipt after 2014. But these problems will be mostly cushioned by the country’s drug economy, which has influenced Afghan politics. It is questionable whether or not a new president of Afghanistan is able to survive politically if he attempts to eliminate the drug economy without offering better incentives for those involved. This article examines the role of the economy, foreign aid and political restraints for reducing the drug economy in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the article looks at alternative developments to the drug economy and the regional approach of Comprehensive Development.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {193--200}, author = {Sokhibov, Akmal}, volume = {32}, number = {3} }