@article{2014:schroeder:the_eu_sec, title = {The EU Security Sector Reform Agenda: Between Democratic Security Governance and Internal Security Interests}, year = {2014}, note = {The European Union has become deeply involved in international security sector reform (SSR) and security assistance efforts. This article examines the EU’s activities in the field and discusses to what extent the EU has made good on the promises of its comprehensive SSR agenda in its external relations. To do so, it outlines the EU’s diverging strategic goals in the field, maps the institutional arenas relevant to their implementation, and discusses three core challenges to the EU’s activities: horizontal coordination across institutional arenas; vertical disconnects between the EU’s strategic agenda and their implementation in the field; and larger political challenges that result from the coexistence of contradictory policy goals at the strategic level.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {102--107}, author = {Schroeder, Ursula C.}, volume = {32}, number = {2} }