@article{2018:grgens:die_schatt, title = {Die Schattenseiten der politischen Rebelleninklusion. Dilemmasituationen am Beispiel der FARC in Kolumbien}, year = {2018}, note = {Since the end of the Cold War, the political inclusion of rebel groups has often been an essential component of domestic peace treaties. According to the motto „from bullets to ballots“, this follows the tradition of liberal peace and is hardly questioned anymore. However, attention should be paid to the problems of negative impacts of dilemmas between processes of democratization and conflict resolution in rebel transformations. With the example of Colombia, this study shows that even states with a long tradition of democracy are not immune to these negative effects. As the peace process is facing uncertain times, mitigation of the conflict-intensifying dilemmas would be urgently needed.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {214--219}, author = {Görgens, Maximilian}, volume = {36}, number = {4} }