@article{2018:jandl:die_gemein, title = {Die gemeinsame europäische Verteidigung – was ist sie, und wenn ja, wie viele?}, year = {2018}, note = {According to Art 42 (2) of the Treaty on European Union, the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy shall lead to a common defense policy. This in turn will lead (under certain circumstances) to a common defense. But these terms are not clearly defined and thus often confused and misapprehended. The article discusses the present state in the comprehensive CSDP review package undertaken since 2013, and to what extent the ground for an eventual common defence is currently being prepared. What lies behind the “European Defence Fund”, “PESCO”, “CARD”, the enhanced NATO-EU cooperation, and the other measures? Will they lead, in the long run, to a common defense (and possibly a European army), or “only” to a common defense policy? Can Austria as neutral country participate, and what would participation mean for the Austrian neutrality?}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {171--180}, author = {Jandl, Gerhard}, volume = {36}, number = {4} }