@article{2018:kimball:revitalizi, title = {Revitalizing Diplomatic Efforts to Advance CTBT Entry into Force}, year = {2018}, note = {More than two decades after the opening for signature of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), the treaty has near universal support and has established a global norm against nuclear test explosions. The nuclear testing taboo impedes the development of new and more advanced nuclear warhead designs, which helps prevent dangerous nuclear competition, and maintain international security. Although the CTBT has created a norm against testing, the treaty has not entered into force due to the failure of eight key states, including the United States and China, to ratify. Over time, norms must be actively renewed and reinforced. In order to realize the full potential of the treaty, and to close the door on testing, friends of the CTBT states need to rejuvenate their efforts to achieve its entry into force and reinforce the taboo against nuclear testing.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {80--85}, author = {Kimball, Daryl G.}, volume = {36}, number = {2} }