@article{2018:brzoska:current_ch, title = {Current Challenges to Normative Restrictions on Warfare}, year = {2018}, note = {The dominating order of warfare, with international humanitarian and arms control law at its core, is constantly subject to change with new experiences and differing political constellations. Changing practices of warfare by major military powers as well as intellectual challenges to the justification of rightful behavior in warfare question foundations of this order. While going into different, and partly contradicting directions, three common critical elements of practice and discourse are highlighted: the territorial and temporal debordering, repolitization of warfare, and damage limitation. While not likely to lead to a new order of warfare, the identification of these elements helps to understand both current and future warfare by major military powers.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {34--39}, author = {Brzoska, Michael}, volume = {36}, number = {1} }