@article{2017:weller:friedensfo, title = {Friedensforschung als reflexive Wissenschaft}, year = {2017}, note = {The obvious demand for more self-reflection in security policy raises the issue of reflexivity of and in peace research itself. This article recalls the reflexive potential of critical peace research, but aims to expand it to a reflexive peace research based on its claim to reconcile its scientific approach and its practice orientation. Because peace research in this view is thus constantly involved in and dealing with political conflicts, it needs a reflexive perspective to be able to scientifically analyze these conflicts. This argument is further illustrated by the methodological challenges of empirical conflict analysis. The article ends with the outlook that in addition to the critical approaches also post-colonial perspectives offer promising links to pursue peace research as a practice-oriented, reflexive science.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {174--178}, author = {Weller, Christoph}, volume = {35}, number = {4} }